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So far as cybersecurity is concerned, the future is in the process of becoming vastly different, as quantum computing advances rapidly and threatens these conventional encryption methods. Until now, RSA and elliptic curve cryptography have been the staples of digital security, but they are at the whims of quantum algorithms.
As a result, the development of quantum-resistant technologies, or ‘quantum fortresses’, to protect data from the threats looming ahead of quantum computers, has become the aspiration of experts and organizations.
In this article, we will elaborate on quantum fortresses, the means of quantum computing cybersecurity, challenges concerning the transition to quantum-resistant systems, and current efforts to make robust quantum fortresses to ward off future cyber attacks.
Why you should understand the Quantum Threat
However, before we start building quantum fortresses, we need to find out why quantum computing poses a serious threat to the existing encryption systems. This threat is at the heart of the quantum computer’s ability to solve calculations so fast that conventional computers can’t even match them.
Quantum computing: The Power
A quantum computer uses quantum bits, sometimes referred to as qubits, to manipulate data. Whereas real bits can either be of value 0 or 1, qubits can sit in several states at once by dint of superposition.
Often, it is required that qubits be entangled, in which case the state of one qubit can depend on the state of another, no matter how far apart they are. Unlike classical machines, quantum computers do this in parallel and with an exponentially greater speed.
Unlike some other algorithms that are (not yet) believed to be unbreakable in a reasonable amount of time (eg. 2^240 or something similar), quantum computers threaten cryptographic algorithms like RSA and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) which, by nature, are difficult algorithms to run (we think!): i.e. the factoring of large numbers or solving discrete log problems.
Quantum-Safe Cryptography
To address this threat, research in a relatively new and quickly developing subject called post-quantum cryptography, or PQC for short, is needed. PQC means cryptographic algorithms that were specifically developed to protect them from quantum computing-based attacks.
These algorithms must be capable of being resistant to the sort of quantum algorithms as Shor’s that exist at present and can offer secure communication when quantum computers are used later on.
Because of this, quantum fortresses have been developed as systems and protocols with QRA incorporated as its stronghold against quantum cryptography.
Building Quantum Fortresses: The Challenges
Creating a quantum fortress requires making these new systems quantum resistant in an environment that can break traditional encryption that any quantum computer can do. Hence moving to quantum-safe cryptographic systems is also a challenge that has a number of complexities.
1. The Move from Classical to Post-Quantum Systems
Another issue that concerns the construction of quantum fortresses is the transition from modern cryptographic platforms into post-quantum ones. This process involves significant modifications of current architecture as all modern networks were designed with the use of principles such as RSA or ECC or symmetric mathematical algorithms such as AES.
These systems do not possess enough security that would be capable of fending off quantum attacks.
Transitioning to quantum-safe algorithms means finding new standards of cryptography without changing the existing security system which it is difficult to act, which is not quite easy.
Some of these algorithms are still under development or experiment stage, and there can be some that may need additional computational capability or introduce delay. On the other hand, some of the existing systems may require enhancements to accommodate these changes, and, therefore, the process of change may be costly.
2. Ensuring Interoperability and Backward Compatibility
Another is that these quantum-resistant systems must be fully integrated into existing structures. As organizations and governments increasingly introduce quantum-safe cryptography in their operations, it is important these new solutions be interoperable with older systems during this transition.
This demands establishing new fusions of traditional and superior quantum communication protocols that would allow approaches and networks that are not yet entirely quantum-safe to communicate reliably.
Furthermore, the general principle of backward compatibility and security should be taken into account, meaning that older systems should be able to remain as secure as possible at the very least until they become redundant and then are replaced.
This balance of quantum resilient systems and legacy systems complicates the use of quantum fortresses and also is but one of several strategic barriers.
3. Ensuring Long-Term Security
Quantum computers may not be possessed and made available to the public shortly, but once they are made available, they will be capable of the cryptographic encryption that has been used in protecting data all these years.
This becomes a real challenge in as much as guaranteeing the long-term security of the information. Information that is encrypted today that will have to be protected in decades to come once a quantum computer is developed may still require protection.
As a result, in the design of cryptographic systems, it is significant to consider effectiveness against quantum assaults by not only immediate periods of data storage and transmission but by the longer-term ones as well.
Cryptography keys and other algorithms will have to be changed from time to time to meet the security requirements of data from its inception till its end.
4. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Quantum Networks
Quantum Key Distribution is another innovation in the quantum theater that has strong potential as a middleman solution, making it possible to explicitly coordinate with other networks – quantum networks.
There is another promising approach that uses quantum mechanics principles to build quantum fortresses. Quantum key distribution, also known as QKD, is a technique of distributing keys to be used in cryptography through the principles of quantum mechanics such as quantum entanglement and superposition.
Historically, there were problems with the distribution of the keys and eavesdropping on the transfer of these keys, but in QKD, any attempt to violate the privacy of the transfer will be seen since measuring a quantum system changes it.
This makes QKD an unparalleled instrument for establishing a reliable connection between two parties. Yet, despite all of those benefits, QKD is still in a way challenging to implement as it requires special hardware, has limited transmission range, and can fall prey to certain types of attacks.
These limitations will have to be overcome to allow the emergence of quantum-secure networks on a large scale.
Post-JoK Algorithms of JoK Quantum Fortresses
Some quantum-resistant algorithms are being implemented to lay the quantum fortress development basis. These algorithms rest on mathematical problems that researchers consider to be hard for quantum computers to solve. Some of the most promising quantum-safe cryptographic approaches include:
1. Lattice-Based Cryptography
Lattice-based cryptography is one of the most studied post-quantum cryptographic approaches. It uses problems from lattice theory, such as the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) and Learning With Eⁿ(hi) Errors (LWE).
These are acknowledged to be difficult problems for both classical and quantum computing, and hence lattice-based algorithms are well-suited for quantum resistance.
Lattice-based cryptography can be applied to the following operations: public-key encryption, digital signatures, and key exchange operations. It is already being looked at for implementation in hybrid systems utilizing classical encryption schemes.
2. Code-Based Cryptography
There is another promising approach related to code-based cryptography, with the basis in the difficulty of decoding the random error-correcting code.
The McEliece cryptosystem, which was introduced in the 1970s, is one of the most famous code-based cryptosystems that are all believed to be immune from quantum attacks. Even today, after such a long time, available code-based cryptography is still regarded as one of the potential candidates for post-quantum cryptographic systems.
3. Multivariate Quadratic Equations
The concept of the quadratic function of two variables and the method of solving multivariate quadratic equations are used in the context of mechanical engineering.
Solving systems of polynomial equations of more than two variables is referred to as multivariate quadratic equations. This approach has been researched for years and is also known as being relatively immune to quantum invasions.
Another primitive that can be constructed using multivariate quadratic equations is public key encryption and digital signatures that also fit well in the quantum-resistant picture.
4. Isogeny-Based Cryptography
The problems that isogeny-based cryptography uses are based on the hardness of finding isogenies between elliptic curves, which is hard to solve for both classical and quantum computers.
Cryptographic systems of isogeny-based post-quantum cryptography have smaller key sizes than in other post-quantum solutions and can be widely used, for example, in mobile devices.
The Path Forward: Architecture of a Quantum Secure Environment
The need for quantum fortresses is clear: The current reality is that as exploitable quantum computing develops, it will supersede most of the existing cryptographic systems that protect data privacy online.
Quantum computing poses a significant threat to current cryptosystems, which shall therefore require the development and deployment of quantum-safe cryptographic techniques.
However, the construction of these quantum fortresses is not something to be done decades from now. It is now time to move to quantum-safe cryptography.
National, academic, and corporate entities globally are developing standards as well as protocols for post-quantum cryptography. These advances include the work carried out by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in its post-quantum cryptography program.
As we approach a future in which quantum computing becomes a reality, building quantum fortresses has never been more important. If we adopt quantum-resistant cryptographic systems before quantum attacks are launched, we will be secure online just the same.
Finally, the only way to thwart future attacks on our data and communications in an age of quantum computers is to construct quantum fortresses.
The path forward isn’t easy, but the integration of quantum-resistant algorithms, quantum key distribution, and hybrid cryptographic systems will be critical to keeping our digital systems secure and resilient as we enter the quantum revolution. The time to act is now.